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updates for the next mega event will be on this page!
this message above was posted 29 June 2023


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indo inter winning winner shots 2021.png
indo super winning winner shots 2021.png
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drum-off global 2021


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with global judging panel 2021

Tomas Haake | Anika Nilles | Chris Coleman | Shawn 肖 K | Carter Mclean

hosted by Tan Boon

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Carter Mclean long.png
Tan Boon Long.png
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all 2021 competitors

What is Drum-Off Global?

what is drum-off global?

Drum-Off Global is an annual international drum competition that gives drummers an opportunity to showcase their skills in a drum solo on an acoustic drum set without any backing tracks or use of electronics.


Since its inception in 2017, Drum-Off Global has become the biggest drum competition & the only Worldwide Drum Solo competition, elevating drummers from as many as 57 countries. The competition have also helped drummers in their pursuit for music-related careers and putting them on a grand and well received platform, allowing their talent to shine even brighter. 

In 2021, we will continue with the unique format and the first and only in the world:


When we say "everywhere", we mean everywhere. Open to all drummers of the World's 197 countries, a country can have their own Drum-Off, and after their winners/country representatives are chosen, they WILL NOT STOP there; they will progress up to the global level; to drum-off against all other country representatives through an ONLINE format. No more boundaries, No more hurdles, No more obstruction to your right to be the one to represent your country on the global stage and to win in Drum-Off Global!

Why join
drum-off global?

open cat cymbal agop for website.png



super junior

age 7 & under


age 8 to 12


age 13 to 18


age 19 & above

We have your career

and ambitions in mind.

This is your chance to represent your country on the global platform of exciting drumming, against other country winners around the WORLD.

We want to see all drummers fulfill their full potential. When you join our competition, we wish to see you constantly evolving and improving yourself, so that you can put the best version of you and your solo out there.

Go on...craft and perform that best Drum Solo you can come up with, you never know 
where it will take you next!

Why Join Drum-Off Globa
World Flat Map 2021 2 no text.png
Join Your Country's Drum-Off

current locations where drum-off global cymbal trophies can be found
Click on cymbals to see winners location - updated May 2021 

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Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png
Drum Off global 2021 draft cymbal.png

The contenders so far &
where they come from...
click on the globe

 Email us for more information: 

 The entire content of this Web site, including all graphics and all images* is copyright 

 ©2013-2022 Fest Events International Pte. Ltd. 

 All Rights Reserved. *Graphics used under license are copyright to their respective sources (contact us for details). 

 No portion may be used without prior written permission from Fest Events International. 

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