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updated 6 JULY 2021



  • Register for your country Drum-Off through the link at the bottom of this page.

  • Book your spot, start crafting, start practicing, record your solo whenever you are ready! 
    Any drummer from any country can take part and represent their country. 
    If your country has no organizer, it does not matter, you still can take part by registering. Our parent organization, Fest Events International will be organizing the Drum-Off for the countries that does not have a country organizer.


  • Your drum-solo videos will be accepted starting 18 Aug to 10 Sept, 2021 PST. Submit via

  • Professional Judges from your country or Drum-Off Global will judge your drum-solo video. The country drum-offs managed by Fest Events International will offer comments to all competitors' videos. 

  • The top scoring drummer of your country for the respective categories will be the representative that will enter into Drum-Off Global 2021 and will be announced on 1 Oct 2021.

  • On 14/10/2021 we will announce the list of the final 12 that would be in the zoom Global Grand Finals. Judging panel of the final 12 will be judged by Tomas Haake and the Drum-Off Global committee.

REGISTRATION FEES for country drum-offs: (applies to all countries except Taiwan & Hungary)​

  • Standard Registration fee : $60 USD. 


CATEGORIES (Acoustic Drum set):

Open to all genders

  • Super Junior – age 7 & below   (still age 7 & below on 31st Dec, 2021 11:59pm)

  • Junior  – age 8 till age 12   (all age based on year of birthday in year 2021)

  • Intermediate  – age 13 till age 18   (all age based on year of birthday in year 2021)

  • Open –  age 19 and older   (all age based on year of birthday in year 2021)


  • All country Drum-Offs 2021 are open to drummers* of all races, nationalities and genders worldwide and we welcome both new, aspiring and established drummers to participate.
    *Drummers with annual income of not more than USD 45,000 from drumming work, based on the previous tax year.


  • Should the Drum-Off Global organization require it at any juncture, the competitor is obligated to provide his / her previous year’s personal income tax records via email and will remain as classified and private information at all times and only privy to the staff at Drum-Off Global.

  • You must be a citizen or permanent resident proven by official documents in order to take part in your country drum-off and represent your country thereafter.

  • All competitors can only participate in ONE Drum Set Solo category of their choice and they must also be eligible for.

  • Former winning representative of any country drum-off connected to Drum-Off Global, but he or she did not win the Global champion title… may join this year’s competition again.



  • From 6 July till 1 Sept 2021 PST (Pacific Standard Time)
    Fill the form accurately, send a clear picture of yourself playing the drums and make payment. (it will all be on the same page)


  • From 18 Aug to 10 Sept 2021 PST  (as announced on 28 Aug 2021 PST)
    You can send 1 video via to email address

*Make sure there are NO text or watermark on your video


**But do save your drum-solo video with your “Full name, Age, Category and Country”
example: "JohnSmith16IntermediateUSA.mp4"


  • Go to Registration and Payment Form at the bottom of this page.


For Drum-Off Taiwan and Drum-Off Hungary, please visit their website instead.



  • A 4:00 mins to 4:30 mins ‘continuous stationary shot’ drum solo from the front view recorded in the LANDSCAPE mode (16:9 ratio) Resolution should be 1920x1080 pixels.


  • Make sure your face (no masks) & hands are seen clearly. Make sure the lighting is enough to have a clear view.


  • No edits on video are allowed, no multiple camera edits are allowed. But make sure the audio sounds good and clear. You can choose to use drum mics to record and may EQ the final sound of the one-take drum solo but no additional audio over-dubs are allowed.


  • The judging panel reserves the right to disqualify you should they hear any instances of audio edit or see any kind of video edit that amounts to dishonesty.  


  • This is the correct video angle


  • Technique

  • Groove

  • Showmanship

  • Creativity & Choreography

  • Musicality

  • On-screen presence

  • Usage of any relevant and suitable stick tricks to add value to your drum performance is allowed

  • Usage of any relevant original ‘country rhythm’ is encouraged


Special Lucky Draw prize: Istanbul AGOP Clapstack
Lucky Draw to happen "Live" on 10 Nov 2021.
Every drummer that registered would stand a chance to win it!



  • Take your skill & musicality to another higher level through this competition

  • Be the top in your country and represent your country proudly in the GLOBAL round where up to 197 countries can be represented.


Chris Coleman said this in 2018 concerning joining a Drum-Off:
“Use it as Exposure and Accept the Pressure. It will help you from that perspective… if nothing else.”

Go to Registration and Payment Form here. (2021's competition is over, please wait for the next announcement)

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 Email us for more information: 

 The entire content of this Web site, including all graphics and all images* is copyright 

 ©2013-2022 Fest Events International Pte. Ltd. 

 All Rights Reserved. *Graphics used under license are copyright to their respective sources (contact us for details). 

 No portion may be used without prior written permission from Fest Events International. 

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